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Piano Notes Newsletter Free Gift #2


Here is the free "Pro Tip" audio file from my book Play Piano in a Flash" as promised.

This is just one of the 25 or so different audio files that explain the examples I talk about in the book. Readers have shared with me that it is a great help to not only have me explain in the book what I am talking about, but also to have me describe it verbally and play it for you in audio files like this.


In the book, there are links for each example like this so you can come and hear them like this.

Alternatively, all of these audio files can be found on our Book Examples Audio CD which some people find easier than needing to go online for each example.

The CD can be bought separately, or along with the book in a bundle that is less expensive than purchasing the book and CD separately.

You can find them in our webstore by clicking on the images below:



Have fun!
